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Dictionary English Czech: [E A Poe]

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F The Pit and the Pendulum [E.A.Poe]Jáma a kyvadlo
Partial Matches
Unverified to adapt sth. [e.g. a novel for the stage or screen] {verb}přepracovat [dok.] [hru, knihu na film ap.]
Unverified to adapt sth. [e.g. a novel for the stage or screen] {verb}zpracovat [dok.] [hru, knihu na film ap.]
Unverified to adapt sth. [e.g. a novel for the stage or screen] {verb}adaptovat [dok./nedok.] [hru, knihu na film ap.]
critical {adj} [e.g. factor]kritický
critical {adj} [e.g. factor]rozhodující
Unverified critical {adj} [e.g. factor]zlomový
sedentary {adj} [e.g. lifestyle]sedavý
med. report {noun} [e.g. clinical report]nález {m} [lékařský]
carbon dioxide {noun} <CO2> [E-290]oxid uhličitý {m}
chem. jídlo silicon dioxide {noun} [SiO2] [E-551]oxid křemičitý {m}
operation {noun} [e. g. police operation]zásah [např. policejní]
biochem. jídlo Unverified carminic acid {noun} [C22H20O13] [E-120]kyselina karmínová {f} <E120>
tube {noun} [e.g. tube of toothpaste, paint, glue]tuba {f}
chem. jídlo magnesium hydroxide {noun} [Mg(OH)2] [E-528]hydroxid {m} hořečnatý
to run out of sth. [e.g. provisions] {verb}dojít [dok.]
chem. jídlo argon {noun} [Ar] [E-938]argon {m}
abrupt {adj} [of a bend]prudký
abrupt {adj} [of a slope]prudký
med. communicable {adj} [of a disease]přenosný
distinct {adj} [different]rozdílný [a osobitý]
eager {adj} [of a student]horlivý
helpful {adj} [of a person]nápomocný
jolly {adj} [of a person]příjemný
likeable {adj} [of a person]příjemný
old {adj} [of a being]starý
persistent {adj} [of a person]stálý
right {adj} [of a direction]pravý
sensitive {adj} [of a person]citlivý
sharp {adj} [of a bend]prudký
spirited {adj} [of a student]horlivý
steep {adj} [of a slope]prudký
to spoil [a child] {verb}rozmazlit [dok.]
anchor {noun} [of a boat]kotva {f}
characteristic {noun} [of a person]charakteristika {f}
žel. compartment {noun} [in a train]kupé {n}
departure {noun} [on a journey]odjezd {m}
intersection {noun} [of a point]křižovatka {f}
scene {noun} [of a play]výjev {m}
devoted {adj} [loyal] [of a person]loajální
entertaining {adj} [of a person]zábavný [člověk]
enthusiastic {adj} [of a person]nadšený [člověk]
frank {adj} [of a person]poctivý [člověk]
to drill [bore a hole] {verb}vrtat [nedok.]
blade {noun} [of a knife]čepel {f} [nože]
mat. denominator {noun} [bottom of a fraction]jmenovatel {m}
good {noun} [in a moral sense]dobro {n}
stock {noun} [share of a company]akcie {f}
while {noun} [a period of time]chvilka {f}
hot-tempered {adj} [of a person]výbušný
short-tempered {adj} [of a person]prchlivý
short-tempered {adj} [of a person]vznětlivý
to get off [a vehicle] {verb}vystoupit [dok.]
faithful {adj} [loyal] [of a person]loajální [člověk]
true {adj} [arch.] [of a married woman]poctivý
to unravel sth. [a mystery] {verb}rozluštit [dok.] co
to unravel sth. [a mystery] {verb}rozřešit [dok.] co
to commit [a crime, fault, etc.] [to perpetrate] {verb}spáchat [dok.]
to maintain [keep a machine in good condition] {verb}udržovat [nedok.]
to transmit [a radio, television signal] {verb}vysílat [nedok.] [rozhlasem, televizí]
anat. cranium {noun} [a skull without mandible]lebka {f} [bez dolní čelisti]
to broadcast [trasmit] [a radio or television signal] {verb}vysílat [nedok.] [rozhlasem, televizí]
to marry sb. [in case of a man] {verb}oženit se [dok.] s kým
to drop sb. off [from a vehicle] {verb}vysadit k-o [z auta] [dok.]
přís. A drowning man will clutch at a straw.Tonoucí se stébla chytá.
přís. A nod is as good as a wink.Chytrému napověz, hloupého trkni.
přís. A penny saved is a penny gained.Kdo šetří, za tři.
to marry sb. [in case of a woman] {verb}vdát se [dok.] za k-o
biro {noun} [Br.] [often used as a generic term for any ballpoint pen] [Biro™]kuličkové pero {n}
lit. F Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero [William Makepeace Thackeray]Jarmark marnosti: Román bez hrdiny
přís. Fire is a good servant but a bad master.Oheň je dobrý sluha, ale špatný pán.
rod {noun} [stick, bar [of gold], for fishing, outgrowth [of a plant], cane, etc.]prut {m}
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