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Dictionary English Czech: na

Translation 1 - 50 of 119  >>


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SYNO   Na | atomic number 11 | sodium
on {adv} {prep}na
onto {prep}na
to {prep}na
up {adv}na
at (the)na
on the {prep}na
chem. natrium {noun} <Na> [archaic, rare] [sodium]sodík {m} <Na>
chem. sodium {noun} <Na>sodík {m} <Na>
2 Words: Others
in the mountains {adv}na horách
per unit {adv}na jednotku
forth {adv}na povrch
for example {adv} <e.g.>na příklad
bluntly {adv}na rovinu
Goodbye!Na shledanou!
Good bye!Na shledanou!
at the pinnacle of sth. {adv}na vrcholu č-o
on applicationna žádost
on request {adv}na žádost
To your health!Na zdraví!
on trial {adv}na zkoušku
regardless of {conj}nazávisle na
2 Words: Verbs
to wait for {verb}čekat na [nedok.]
to blow the whistle on sb. {verb}donášet na k-o [nedok.]
to think of sth. {verb}myslet [nedok.] na co
to refer to {verb}odkázat [dok.] na
to suffer from {verb}trpět na [nedok.]
to insist on {verb}trvat na [nedok.]
to depend (on) {verb}záležet (na) [nedok.]
to depend (on) {verb}záviset (na) [nedok.]
2 Words: Nouns
application (for) {noun}požadavek {m} (na)
3 Words: Others
except {conj} na to
irrespective (of sth.) {adv} [coll.]bez ohledu (na co)
regardless of sth.bez ohledu na co
best-selling {adj}jdoucí na dračku
It's your turn.Jsi na řadě.
Bear that in mind!Mysli na to!
on the contrary {conj}na druhou stranu
to the contrary {prep}na druhou stranu
on the other hand {adv}na druhou stranu
disposable {adj}na jedno použití
on the left-hand side {adv}na levé straně
at first sight {adv}na první pohled
halfway {adv}na půl cesty
unlike {adj}na rozdíl od
self-employed {adj}na volné noze [živnostník]
dripping wet {adj}promoklý na kůži
alcohol dependent {adj}závislý na alkoholu
drogy med. addicted to alcohol {adj} [postpos.]závislý na alkoholu
3 Words: Verbs
to respect sb./sth. {verb}brát ohledy [nedok.] na k-o/co
to be used to sth. {verb}být na co zvyklý
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